CultureTrends How a plate of mutton biryani travelled from Kolkata to Mumbai on Eid. Along with chicken chaap and chhanar jilipi.
CultureTrends The lockdown taught us that it is time to return to the kitchen code that our grandmothers lived by.
CultureTrends How the lockdown helped real food reclaim Instagram. A collection of happy food short stories.
CultureTrends How the kitchen became the centre of our home during the lockdown. Finely Chopped Covid 19 Lockdown Journal 30
CultureTrends Foraging for breakfast and then foraging for insights. What’s Finely Chopped Consulting all about.
CultureTrends What is the newly launched Times Kitchen Tales all about? How about a recipe for panch phoron kancha lonka diye ilish maachh to explain it?