I am in a bit of a dilemma.
There are so many stories that I want to tell you. So many reels that I want to make. So many threads that I want to tie up on a project that’s kept me busy.
But, we are going on two night in city hotel staycation. I can either do all of that and more. Or switch off.
Not that a writer’s mind ever can! But, maybe I should force myself to do so.
Lounge in the home room and read. Soak in the tub, if there is one, and read. Slip under Snow White white sheets and duvet. After drying oneself with Baby Loaf soft towels. The only stress being that of reaching the hotel breakfast buffet in time for waffles, ham sandwiches and bacon ones.
Visit restaurants that we’ve been meaning to, incognito. Unwind in cafes. Gaze languorously at the sea; hopefully it will rain; reminisce about days when we would hang there, when we would stretch each moment, before K headed home, and me to my PG.
This time around, our paths home will be the same.
I will miss the boys of course. My desk. The window by it. The Mac. The boys snoozing by me as I pound away on the keyboard.
But you will be in my thoughts my babies, Loaf, Nimki, Scoobie & Snappy.
And you, dear reader.
In three days, I will be back. And regular progamming will resume.
Till then, Daddy Loaf is on a break. As is Mummy Loaf. Hopefully!
Ps: Made myself French toast in the morning and gave some to Granny P who has come to pet sit her grand babies. She loved it. As did I.