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The folks at The India Food Network called me the other day. There’s apparently a new film coming up called Luv Shuv Te Chicken Khurana coming up. The producers wanted us to do cooking videos to promote the film on social media.

The brief, ‘create your version of chicken khurana’.

I saw the trailer and saw that it was a very ‘Punjabi’ film. We had to come up with a ‘secret ingredient for our chicken khuranas. The trailer told me what I needed.

For me Punjabis are all about big-heartedness. Generous folks who believe in enjoying life. The term ‘zindadil’ sums up this ‘no holding back’ ethos.

I had my ‘secret recipe’. Mustard oil, ghee, cashews, almonds, curd …this recipe would have loads of ‘tashan’.

I had two shoots to do that day so a friend suggested an oven recipe which then gave a nice modern take to it and would be easy to cook.

So here’s the recipe in brief for my version of chicken khurana. Made it up as I cooked. You can make up yours too.

1. Marinate 500 g chicken …boneless legs cut into cubes – in 1 bowl of curd, 1 tablespoons each of garam masala & kahmiri red chilli powders, 1 teaspoons each of coriander, cumin and black pepper powder, 1 tablespoon each of ginger and garlic pastes, 3 tablespoons of mustard oil – for at least half an hour


2. Preheat oven for 10 min at 200 c and then put in chicken for 10 min at 200 c. You get semi cooked tikkas

3. Sauce base – 100 g cashews, 100 g almonds (soaked overnight & skin peeled), 1/2 an onion finely chopped, 1 small bowl tomato puree, 1 small bowl cream, 2 chopped green chillies, 1 bunch of fresh coriander, 1 teaspoon salt – grind in a food processor. Start with the dry stuff first and then add in wet stuff

4. Pour sauce on chicken tikka. Mix. Add 2 tablespoons of ghee on top

5. Put into preheated oven for 10 min at 200 C

6. Let it rest for ten minutes after it’s cooked. Your Chicken Khurana Finely Chopped version is ready

Look at the video here on The India Food Network for the recipe. You will find more versions coming up there from the other cooks on the network.



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