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Boiled egg dandwich with Nespresso Colombia espresso

I had a terrible bout of back pain last night and that kept me up till 3.30 am. I chatted with the cats to keep myself busy. They looked at me with that ‘let us sleep dad’ expression.

I woke up at 9.30 am and decided to do the Sivananda Gurgaon Youtube back pain therapy session. I did that last evening and it had helped release the stiff back that had kept me supine most of yesterday, making reels on the phone instead of writing at my desk. 

‘No day without a line,’ was Beethovan’s motto wrote Dr Daisadu Ikedu of the SGI who added, “you cannot become a person of the highest calibre if you have a casual, easygoing attitude, thinking things will somehow fall into place….Making persistent efforts each day is a source of tremendous strength (abbreviated)”.

The beauty of today’s media landscape is that there are numerous platforms for us storytellers and one need not feel limited. So reels it was yesterday. I like making reels and finding music from different stages of my life to put there. Not very trendy perhaps, but they do give you a picture of who I am.

The yoga session this morning helped loosen up my stiffness and the pain ebbed too. I called in for breakfast from Potoba at Mahim. Phodnichi poli and kat vada. This was in keeping with my plan to order in breakfast from different Maharashtrian restaurants home. Potoba gets listed on Swiggy after 11am and there was some sort of communication gap and I had to cancel my order as it was taking too long. The did call me from the restaurant later to check but it was too late by then. Some other time.

Not to worry. A Bengali Parsi fridge is always stocked with eggs. 

We were out of bread though and called in for ragi and multigrain breads from Baker’s Dozen via Swiggy. 

I had put an egg for boil while K ordered the bread and made myself a lovely boiled egg sandwich using the ragi bread, the dip which had accompanied the truffle fries from Louis Burgers yesterday and the pickled green pepper that had come from Soam at Home.

And for K, who wanted an egg, the perfect fried egg with sea salt and the green pepper.

Egg fried rice studded with pickled green pepper from Soam with pomfret grilled in the oven (20 min at150 c) with Korean chilli and crisp chilli oil and Shandu sauce from Sage & Oleo

The burst of freshness that comes when you bite into the peppers is amazing. It does not numb your tongue the way Sichuan peppers do. Last night I had added them to an egg fried rice and that worked well too. 

Imagine my consternation when K told me that she had swallowed the pepper that I had put into her fried egg.

‘You are supposed to bite into them’, I said. Smiling and trying to count to ten.

She said she loved the eggs though and said the yolk was ‘neither too runny. Nor overdone. Perfect.’


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