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Last night couldn’t have been scripted better by Bourdain. An impromptu meet with friends. A rock concert by the sea at Carter Rd with a girl jumping like there was no tomorrow as she belted out her heavy metal. A quick retreat to the food festival at Bandra Gymkhana. A change of scene with families dancing to a band singing Susanna. The Wife rushing back from work at the promise of roast pork. Whipping the cabbie to fly across town. Stalls of Just BBQ, apparently the only gas barbecues in India. And Cambay Prawn stall with fliers proclaiming that prawns weren’t injurious to health. Bandra restaurants – Lucky, Kwik Wok, Kareem’s, Cafe Goa Stalls. All ignored for the Bandra Gym Club Food in the corner. Sexy Naughty Grilled Pork sausages. Chicken sausages? What’s that? Sorpatel, which was, well not quite Sorpatel, and a bit salty too. Meeting Sannas, the Goan soft bread which looks like idlis, for the first time. Helped cut the acrid Sorpatel taste. Roast Honey Pork. The diva of the evening. Three plates and still didn’t seem enough. Oodles of fat, more sinful than Kamathipura ever could be. Each bite was a lifetime of joy and happiness. Stalls manned by the affable Mr Jonas and his hard working boys. And a bar where beer was almost cheaper than it was in shops. Peals of laughter as tummies became round and happy. Memories of Mithunda songs and B grade horror films exchanged as taste breakers between courses. A change of scene to Amore for Gelatos. Icy desserts which helped cooled down the steamy passion of pork. We Celebrated Bandra. And how!

‘Alice, Alice who the HELL is Alice’

‘Prawns are good for the health’

Gas grills, environment friendly

Honey roast pork… Whatever you do, wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you

Sorpatel … rubbing salt into our wounds. Didn’t have the sour bite of toddy

Try asking for chicken sausages in a Catholic Club

Mr Jonas keeps an eagle eye. The food was hot and fresh and ample thanks to him.

Debating over their favourite Mithunda song. For the record, the beer was the photographer’s

And finally some gelato to calm down our passion for pork

OK here’s the bad news, the Bandra Gymkhana food festival is now over. But don’t jump out of the window! There are Neighbourhood Food Festivals on 27th (St Annes Church Road) and 28th November (Mt Mary Steps) at 7 PM

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