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Yesterday was #fathersday 

Mummy Loaf is in a can for some reason. Daddy Loaf said she is at Cannes when I asked him where she is.

So we asked our hooman friends to help organise something special for Daddy Loaf.

Big Sis Gia and Erika Mummy got him a shirt for him from us. He said it’s the coolest shirt he owns and will send them a picture of him wearing it with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Do you know about this tower? I’ve seen the big grey box with wheels. That usually means he will disappear for a bit. Like Mummy Loaf did when the big brown box with wheels was out. We have to keep an eye on him. I will tell dada Baby Loaf to sit on him so he can’t go anywhere.

We asked Manisha mashi pishi to send some dinner for him as he was house-help less this weekend and he was tired and in pain.

She sent a mix of wet food and dry food cans from a place called Yakana. Unlike our Applause and Matisse, they make food for hoomans. Daddy Loaf has had their food before and said it’s good and ordered more and called big sis Gia and Erika mummy. He layer said the packaging made it easy to serve and everyone loved the food.

Daddy Loaf opened the cans and put the food on the plates like he does for dada Baby Loaf and me. Not in glass bowls first, as Mummy Loaf does when hoomans come home. He told me that this is our secret. 
I knew it, Daddy Loaf is a cat! 


From the Secret Diary of little Nimki, aged 2 years and 2/3 of a month.

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