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It’s not every day that I order pancakes for breakfast. Specially when I am by myself.

Today was different. I woke up with that top of the world feeling.

Last night was the IFBA Awards night organised by the FBAI (Food Bloggers Association of India) at the J W Marriott, Mumbai.

The FBAI is “ an online News Channel that reports, reviews & disseminates information on F&B products & services, restaurants, chefs and events across India.” The co founder is Sameer Malkani.

Sameer having a well deserved drink at the end of a fabulous awards event

They launched the IFBA (Indian Food Bloggers Association) Awards last year. To the best of my knowledge it is the only exclusive food bloggers awards in India at present.

I was lucky enough to be a winner in the first year and won in the Food & Travel Blogs section that year. A year had passed and it was time for this year’s awards.

The day started yesterday with the FBAI Dialogues which had a range of panel discussions. I was a part of the panel on ‘social versus traditional media’. I went home from the JW for a nap after a lovely lunch at Mezo Mezo and was in two minds as to whether to return for the awards. 

Thank god I did!

I have some great news to share with you. Finely Chopped won last night! Twice over, Much to my surprise to be honest. The awards were based on a mix of public votes and the verdict from a jury of eminent personalities from the world of food.

The two awards that we won were:

1. Best general food blog
2. Runner up – culinary travel blog.

Now can you blame me for being over the moon?

Big thanks to K thanks to whom I can blog to my heart’s content, the judges, FBAI and most importantly all of you who read the blog and keep me going and all who voted for me.

Blogging is a fantastic experience. I would highly recommend it. 

If you have any doubts ask my mother who has finally started her own blog, Tabulous Mom, and says that blogging has given her a new lease of life.

You will find the list of all the blogs that won here and lots of new blog to read I am sure

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