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The sound of the fierce Mumbai Monsoons lashing in the background. Gazing into the rain streak past the windows at the top of the walls. Little peep holes with cheerful light blue wooden frames. Spaghetti Aglio Oli with bacon bits. Succour for the hakka noodles lover in me. Bites of a new discovery. Juicy bangers! A tantalising brown sauce escorting it. Soft, creamy mash bursting with love and joy. Sumatra coffee. Chocolate Terrine. A once in a lifetime blend of dark and white chocolate mousse based on an ever so elegant chocolate sponge base. Another new discovery. Reading out words of the poet of food. Anthony Bourdain’s ‘Les Halles Cookbook’ from their book rack. The perennial question. Should I tell the world about my love? Or should I be selfish and keep it my little secret?. Yellow Tree.

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