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Feeling really good as I joined the Sivananda Gurgaon  regular online yoga classes for the first time this evening, after a break of around ten daya. I had a protracted back pain spell after quite a while before that and wasn’t sure whether I should attend or take a break. I consulted one of the senior teachers, Namitaji, who advised me to do focused relaxation for a few days to ease the pain before getting back. Specifically daily half an hour yoga nidra (you get this on YouTube) and things which relax the mind. I went for walks in the evening, the duration depended on how my back was. Continued my podcast interviews as I really enjoy doing those. And ‘catasana.’ Baby Loaf kept flopping on the floor and I had to squat and pat him. I started going out before lunch to meet Scooby and Smol, my cat friends around the corner, and to catch the sun since our windows are covered with plastic at the moment. Feeding  and patting them involved squatting too. And the boys outside thirst for love and rolled over every time I got up, making me squat again to pet them. I guess I got naturally stretched in the process.


I also read. Non work/ food books. Amor Towles’ Lincoln Highway, which I finished last night. Didn’t stay away from the phone screen as much as I wanted to.

Sat down to freshly made pohe after yoga today. Fairly sattvik one could say!


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