Well I am leaving town in a few hours from now.
Will be back after about a fortnight.
Spent the day at my favourite eats. Favourites because of the good food and the friendly people who run them. Known faces with warm smiles of recognition and welcome. In some cases I have had the pleasure of knowing the owners.
Wonderful people.
Happy places.
Tuna sandwich and coffee at Candies for breakfast followed by the lively Ingo’s like Bazar and Bling going on there. Couldn’t find Bappida despite the promise of bling but we did pick up a few gifts for friends. And in turn was pleasantly surprised to get a hamper of Candies goodies from Candice Perrera of Candies. Brownies (gooiest, mushiest and our favourite in town), cookies, Angry Bird rum balls, bread sticks, lavash, melba toast and more stuff.
Gate crashed a couple of friends for their Yum Cha lunch at Mainland China and nibbled on a birthday cake preceded by the waiters’ serenade.
Lemonade at Gostana. Always a pleasure to meet our friends Apple, Arpana, Lenny and Sam and his team.
A quiet dinner at Moshe’s. More warm smiles. We are regulars now and quite at home.
Tomato, barley and pea soup and a delectable char grilled rawas where I even finished the vegetables.
Shored myself with enough memories of Bandra till I return home from my trip Down Under.
Have fun down under, I'm off to Beijing for the week, so have a great time…
tried to leave a message here earlier, must have missed clicking something…
here it is..try to check these spots if you can:
1. German beer & barbecue at 'Phillip's Foote' at The Rocks.
2. Chinese food at 'Barbecue King', China Town.
3.'Baia San Marco' at Cockle Bay Wharf, near darling harbour (just because it's started by some school mates!!)
4. Sunset Dinner at 'Arjuna's' Katoomba, Blue Mountains. (I know it's Indian food, but totally worth it)
Enjoy your trip, & some Toohey's on my behalf!!
@Arpana: I did 🙂