Cortado and sourdough |
I can’t bless the person on Instagram, who suggested I try a cortado, enough.
I had written about how I’d lost my taste for cappuccinos after shifting to the espresso side. Too much milk! This person sent either an insta comment or DM in response to my post and recommended trying a cortado. I am embarrassed to say that I don’t remember who the knight in shining armour was. Or was it an angel of mercy. I do think it was a gentleman. ‘Him/ her’ works? Oh, and I had not heard of a Cortado either!
I tried a cortado for the first time @boojeecafe, when I spotted the same on their menu, and loved it. From what I gather, it consists of an equal amount of milk and coffee and with froth. A more balanced drink than the milky cappuccino. Since then I’ve had some rather nice cortados at @bluetokaicoffee @perchinbombay and then @subkocoffee, where I tried and fell in love with the iced cortado. Some of the more modern places that we went to in Paris and Berlin such as @inform_cafe (p) offered cortados, not all.
The reason for writing this ode to cortado is that I had stepped in at @suzettebakery to buy bread (rye emmer sourdough for me and pain au chocolate for K) and decided to hang on and have a cortado. K and I are cafe people; and Bandra is the home to some lovely ones.