We shifted into our new place on Saturday night. We have rented a place which is even closer to Candies.
Sunday was our first morning in the new house. Sunday was also the day when my first food and travel article came out in print. It came out in Mumbai Mirror, a daily in Mumbai!
I haven’t stopped grinning since then. This was like a dream come true.
Don’t get me wrong. I am indebted to whoever invented blogging and the folks at Google and Blogspot. I have really enjoyed every moment of blogging. I loved the opportunity it gave me to do something I love, to write. And on things which I love; food and travel.
But I also belong to a generation to whom print rules. To me getting published in a leading publication is right up there with the best things in life. Also you are your own editor in your blog. Here someone has to approve of what you write, like it and publish it.
As a fellow blogger had once said, behind every blogger is an aspiring author. Well it’s been a start. Tiny in the scheme of the universe but it means a lot to me.
In fact I owe this article to my blog. A lady from Mumbai Mirror wrote to me on my food blog asking me if I would write something on food on travel. This was around last September.
I jumped at the opportunity and wrote one on my Singapore trip on my travel blog.
A few months of anxious waiting later it came out yesterday!
Interestingly my first job, all of one month, was as a sub ed for a newspaper called Asian Age when they had started in Calcutta in 1995. Then I went on to do my MBA. Sometimes I wonder how life would have been if I had stuck to writing. That’s clearly what I love the most. At least thanks to blogs I can follow that up now.
Disclaimer: The headline of the article is not mine. Mine was ‘In search of the chilly crab trail. Rest is trimmed but not changed as such.