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No ‘no comments’ please

By May 13, 2009August 1st, 2024No Comments

I find it difficult to push myself at night to write. Especially after a long day at work, followed by a fifty minute walk and dinner at 1030 or later, writing in precarious positions with no writing table.

That’s when one wonders about what keeps bloggers going. Specially when there is no agenda or motive or reward in sight. In fact I read a post today from a prolific blogger I follow who exhorted people who visited her site to comment on what they read instead of ‘lurking’.

I could completely empathise with what she said. Nothing gives me more joy than to read comments on my blog. From those who have commented on my posts over time. And the odd new person too.

Today a close friend of mine from my last days at Calcutta came on Google Chat and told me that he reads finely chopped every day. And that he has started going to Candies more often after reading my posts on Candies.

Thanks Tublu, you are the reason I am writing tonight 🙂

PS: I know that I have not replied to a few recent comments but I hope to do so tonight

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