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Proud to be a Burrp! Food expert

By August 25, 2014August 2nd, 2024No Comments
Rajyasree Sen met me for lunch recently at Sindhudurg, a common favourite.

She told me that she had taken over as the editor of Burrp! and was working on revamping on it. A part of this revamp was starting a section where food bloggers and experts could write in with features to do with food.

She kindly offered me some space to write there and I am proud to say that I am now part of the Burrp! Food Experts section.

I have written a few articles there since the section was started and here are the links. Hope you like them.

Do let me know what you would like to see there next.

1. The Bengali bhuri bhoj

2. The enchanted world of the Parsis

3. The Marathi diet

4. How to be a well fed Bengali in Mumbai

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