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The bath toys that I picked for little Pompi
from the Delhi airport Hamley’s 

There’s a reason why I jump at any chance to go to Delhi these days and that’s because I get to see the little princess of our family.

Little Pompi
I was in Delhi for the Google Allo party a few days back and the next day I moved to my brother and sister in law’s apartment in Gurgaon

My brother and I walked in to the apartment at the same time and I saw little Pompi/ Khukumoni/ Kimu – various names by which we call my niece – the moment I walked in. She is about to complete 5 months.
Her mother was holding her. Khukumoni was seeing me after about a month.  She looked at me and gave me the tiniest little smile. Her way of telling me that she remembered me. 

I was over the moon to see this.
I later held her in my arms. Unlike in my last trip, when was she was tinier, this time she didn’t cry when I took her. I looked at her and said, ‘we have chicken biryani for dinner.’
She broke into a big toothless smile, and the 1000 watt smiles continued through the rest of my stay till I left the next evening.
Here’s how I summed up my 3 interactions with her so far
  1. 2 weeks old: She would lie in my arms, eyes shut, hand resting on my belly
  2. 3 months old: She’d cry for 5 sec when I took her in my arms, and then calm down and lock eyes with me, as long I held her in my arms. Till I sat down when she would bawl and I would have to get up and walk her
  3. 4 months old: She’d lie in my arms, or on the bed, hold my finger and not let go of it and keep smiling broadly 
I can’t wait for my next trip to Delhi.

I need to plan her annaprashan too. What’s the point of having a jethu who is a food blogger otherwise?
I haven’t put her pics up as her parents don’t but her pics on social media. If you are part of a select set then you are probably spammed on whatsapp with pictures of her that I send you. 

With Pompi around I forget to take pics of her parents who continue to take good care of me and pamper me when I am with them

Gurgaon is all about home food and the love and care
of my litter sister in law and brother

I met up with N, a dear friend from B School days on Saturday morning. This is what followed after she picked me and we went to the Galleria Mall
Me: I want good coffee. I am not hungry 
N: Let’s go to Crosspoint Mall to this Belgian place I told you about

We cross the road

Me: It’s sooooooooooo hot. Bombay is cooler
We got into the lift, in what seemed like a Sarkari office building, and reached the Di Ghent Cafe

It’s a nice and spacious place and we settled into its comfy sofas

Really comfy sofas

Me: It was too hot. I don’t want coffee. I will have the dark chocolate shake instead
N: Good idea. me too 
The shakes arrived
Me: The glasses are too big. We should have ordered one with 2 straws
N: I wouldn’t have shared even if you did

How can a ‘dark chcolate’ milk shake be sooooo sweet?

Me, after a sip: It’s too sweet there’s no way I can drink this. A few sips at the most
A waiter passed by with a plate of eggs
Me: Let’s order something to eat
N: But you said you don’t want to eat
Me: Yes, but I need something savoury to cut the sweetness of the shake 

N finished her shake while I was a spoilt brat and didn’t
N rolled her eyes, finished her shake, while I ordered the snack
The mushrooms with mozzarella and Gorgonzola on toast was nice and the hit of the blue cheese persistent but not overwhelming. This I liked

The mozarella, blue cheese and mushroom toasts

Thank god for friends who indulge you like a 4 year old when you are  in your 40s. 

It’s N’s birthday today, which I didn’t realise when we met earlier, so here’s wishing Nilaakshi a happy birthday and hope the post will suffice till I get her a proper gift.

Nilaakshi and me

Anyway, this post is not a review of Di Ghent. My brother says that he likes the waffles here and N likes the eggs benedict. I have tried neither and can’t comment
This time I was in Delhi courtesy Google India for the Allo Party where we were kept in the Pullman Aerocity Hotel with modern and cosy and comfortable rooms. The party was good fun and I got to catch up with lots of friends and experience the Allo app too

Breakfast the morning after

Fanboy moment with Mallika Dua

Once a party animal
Ashwin Mushran and Shiladitya

Pooja Dhingra with Rushina in whose house
 I had first met Pooja years back

Pullman Aerocity

Shiladitya, Rushina and Naina

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