I had earlier written about Khane Khas, the nice, homely, restaurant at Bandra http://finelychopped-k.blogspot.com/2008/01/khaas-treatment.html
The wife and I went there after a long time a few nights back when the maid hadn’t come and the kitchen was in a mess. We normally order home from there. Though, we used to often go there while we were dating.
Well we had a lovely time there. It is a small place with about 5 tables and an open kitchen. They have now put a modern looking glass front between the kitchen and the dining area. No photos unfortunately as I didn’t take my camera.
One of the best things about Khane Khas is that the owners are very hands on and take the orders themselves. So you feel that person taking your order understands what you are saying and can advise you accordingly. I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world but this is a big problem in Mumbai with the explosion of restaurants and scarcity of good staff. Here you can go to a very posh restaurant and have a culinary nincompoop taking your order. Khane Khas is such a pleasant change.
We ordered tandoori garlic potatoes which they recommended when we asked for an oil free vegetarian dish. It was extremely tasty. The garlic gave it a nice creamish layer. It tasted quite light.
We ordered another favourite – tangdi (chicken drumstick) kebab. They make this in a light mustard marinade. Again we got a very good response when the wife asked if this was oil free. They said, ‘there is no oil except the natural oil of chicken’. Boy, this is what I always maintain. Chicken has its own oil and if you use this intelligently you need very little additional oil. Good to come across someone who understands food while placing your order. It really adds to your eating experience.
We also had the famous Punjabi Black Daal which they make very well. I had introduced the wife to the Khane Khas version when we were courting and it was one of the things which made her fall in love with the locality of Bandra (were Khane Khas is and where we live). It’s been eight years since then so now I asked for a version without the cream which is added traditionally. And let me tell you, it was still very tasty.
I am home today and the wife had made some cauliflower for me. I will call Khane Khas and order some rotis and yellow daal to go with it. Am looking forward to the cheerful way they sing out ‘Khane Khas’ when they pick up the phone!