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Just can’t get the holiday out of my mind. So you will have to bear through many more Swiss posts. Here are my top ten food moments. I wanted to do top 5 but just couldn’t choose. These are in no particular order

The pizza at Risotarante Pizzeria. Hand crafted

Quiche, or cheese pie, as they call it …’richer than the average Swiss banker’ as I wrote. The best was the first one that we had in the departmental store at Geneva station

The best Spaghetti Bolougnaise in the world…warmed us on the icy Matterhorn Glacier

‘One chocolaterie per city’ … this was the first, Zurich

The discovery of Raclette

Migros cafeteria… cheapest and best… loved the canapes, restroom stop too

Sprungli cafe of Lindt and Sprungli fame … like buying a Mt Blanc from the Mt Blanc shop

Holding on to the last few minutes at Zurich, the night before we lent, and a magical cobble path dinner

Chinese food at Berne station when i was craving for ‘home’ food towards the end of the trip. Most amazingly well flavoured prawn fried rice and breaded prawns

And our many trips to Starbucks thanks to my better half

Er, technically this is beyond ten but have to mention eating horse (!) steak at Restaurant Chalet at Montreux. K found the meat to be too coarse. But still the sheer experience of eating something beyond the usual memories of All Quiet on the Western Front

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