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The celebratory khichuri lunch after the end of the first episode of Radio Finely Chopped, my food podcast

Let me tell you a funny story. A story of working from home and the story of my first food podcast.

I decided to launch my podcast series, Radio Finely Chopped, today. It’s hosted on Facebook live audio. It’s transmitted live & you can listen to it later too by clicking on the link. This means that I can talk to you from wherever I am, regardless of if the room is messy, or if I am unshaven or my hair (all 13 strands) disheveled, or have a back pain and can’t type. It doesn’t require a high internet connectivity to transmit or listen to and 2G is enough.

I’d put my phone on airplane mode to avoid calls coming in while I transmitted the podcast using the home wifi. I Swiggy’d in a cappuccino from Di Bella and got it before I started and got ready to broadcast in my bedroom and began talking after I locked the door. 

I hadn’t accounted for the ‘Banu factor’ though. There was some painting work going on at the kitchen and everything was covered with plastic and bed sheets and newspapers. Turned out that had Banu came to work too, furrowed her way through the dust covers, made a one pot khuchuri and then begun bhaaja as well, I have taught her to do. Dishes I make for herself when she bunks. She then banged on the bedroom door where I’d locked myself in while I was live to tell me that the khichuri is ready as I like to eat it when it’s fresh. Then I moved from room to room, still transmitting, while she swept the floors before I finished and begun my lunch.

And that’s the story of the first Radio Finely Chopped Podcast episode and the reason why it’s in two parts. The topic today was about how I fell in love with Mumbai through its food. 

What you see on the plate is very Bengali though, my version of khichuri and begun bhaaja as cooked by our cook and Bandra girl, Banu

Here’s the link to the broadcasts. Hope

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