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This one’s for Viru… 300 not out

By June 27, 2009August 1st, 2024No Comments

I was planning for my 300th post ever since I finished number 299.

I felt it had to be bombastic enough. I wondered whether I should write about a recipe, do a review or just share some food memories.

I saw the follower list go up from 29 to 32 during this time. Thanks a lot. I can’t say how much this means. I saw comments pile up on Microwave Brownie and Its Raining Food… which I will answer. Getting comments are the biggest highs of my blogging.

I gathered material – outings to Gaylords and Leopold, the new Sky Garden at Candies, my cooking biography… but just couldn’t decide on what would be good for a number 300 post.

So I thought that the best thing would be thank each of you who have followed the blog, commented, wrote in, told me how you felt about it AND specially those who grumbled when I didn’t post for a while.

Here’s to number 301

PS For those who don’t follow cricket, 300 runs is a big landmark in test cricket. Virender Sehwag is the only Indian to have scored this in more than a hundred years. He has done it twice!

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