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Two hundred and fifty not out

By March 11, 2009August 1st, 2024No Comments

I happened to look at the dashboard on my Blogger profile and saw that I have completed 250 posts on Finely Chopped! Those who follow cricket that’s quite a significant number for a batsman to notch up.

Phew! Not bad even if I say so.

I had no idea about what I would write when I started. In fact I had started the site as a place to air my grievances on food and restaurants. It was my first blog. I had never thought that I will take to it the way I did – snatching time whenever possible from the daily chores at home or during lunch break at work or by fighting sleep late into the night. Typing away on food, restaurants, recipes, rants, raves, people, holidays. At times making Kainaz wait while I took snaps of what we ate. Baring an important part of our lives to all.

And I really enjoyed every moment of it. I loved writing the posts. I loved seeing your comments. Comments from those whom I know. And from those whom I didn’t know earlier. I discovered the Statscounter and got goosebumps each time I saw the metre go up – Hello lurker! And then there are those of you who write in on mail about the posts or text me or tell me when you meet me. And the ultimate high was seeing the follower space get populated. Thanks for all your support. That’s what keeps me going.

I have enabled comment moderation but have never got a nasty comment. I guess food makes everyone happy!

One more cricketing number before I close – I added my posts on my travel blog (40) and my recent general topics blog (12) and saw that I have crossed the coveted triple century across my three blogs!

I can’t stop beaming. As they say, ‘so long and thanks for all the fish’.

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