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‘Will you still feed me when I am sixty four’

By February 7, 2010August 1st, 2024No Comments

Itching to write. Limited by mobile blogging. Brought my birthday in in a Bourdainesque manner with wonderful people we met the first time. Stories. Food. Songs. Art. Then the stomach bug i thought i defeated in Bombay came to the party with a vengeance . So a ‘dry’ birthday followed. Black coffee. Juices. Baguette for lunch. Grilled chicken for dinner. Stewed fruit for dessert. In Goa!!! The land of red meat, red Port and red masala! Stomach still paining as I wryly read birthday messages wishing me great eats . Hope that i can manage a vindaloo night before i leave. As i turn a yr this line frome beatles song sums my state of mind

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