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Wrong side of the bed…and some sunshine at Candies

By March 15, 2012August 2nd, 2024No Comments
Should I come back to the blog just to rant, rave, lament?

That’s rather needy and attention seeking if you ask me. But what’s life without a touch of drama?
Last night I saw this album that I put up on facebook sometime back, a charming Indo- Tibetan place at Mumbai’s Oshiwara called New Sernyaa. These photos were from last Saturday. It’s Thursday and I still haven’t written about it. Rarely happens when a place really delights me, as in this case, or puts me of.
Last night was also one when I finally didn’t feel too exhausted or groggy to write at the end of the day…except that my back pain was back…and don’t get me started on the trauma of trying to get back under the MRI…one day I’ll write a funny story about it..and please don’t tell me about yoga…unless it comes with a qualified reference at Bandra… and about the mattress…I got that changed…or about ayurvedic massages…I don’t want anyone jolting me now… or of dieting and losing 15 kilos…see I told you I am crabby

…and with the construction dust and the pleasant but unseasonal morning chill and the painkillers from the night before one woke up in a daze …sneezing away…thank god for Candies and its strong cappuccino which lived up to its billing…its multi -rain tuna sandwich and the sense of eating healthy, we will not talk about the odd mischievous bite of chips and the tiny petite four that I nibbled on…and the roast chicken I picked for lunch I’ve carried a bit of Candies to work today…and of folks like Cynthia at Candies, who after trying for many days to reimburse me for an omelette which went cold once managed to do so today when I wasn’t looking … you guys needn’t have…

And it was nice to see the blogadda pinterest board of ‘Bloggers worth knowing” thanks to this tweet, @thebongbabe:  You’re right up there @Finelychopped :)) RT @beastoftraal: Another neat Pinterest use, by @blogadda

Of course the advantage of being the last to be interviewed is you feature right on top.

And one more learning today. This time from work. One looks a lot bulkier on a video-call than on a con-call

So bye for now but the Sernyaa story will be told someday

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