I haven’t baked a single cake or brownie or cookie or muffin in the OTG yet but this dish would be approved by the diet Nazis I am sure.
I don’t know if this qualifies as a recipe but if no effort, no oil and tastes which are subtle and Oriental work for you then try this. Here’s what I did…
I took about 100 g of boneless chicken. Helps if you get the leg or thigh piece. Juicier. I cut these into cubes. Added 100 g of sliced button mushrooms. You could use anything to marinate this.
I looked around the kitchen and used: 1.5 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon teriyaki or sweet soy sauce, 2 teaspoons Chinese chilli sauce, 1/2 a teaspoon each of salt and fish sauce and Chinese five spice powder and a teaspoon of honey. Now you could honestly use any Oriental sauces and to proportions of your fancy. I added some chopped onions as you will see in the photo. Avoidable. Sliced ginger would have been good though.
I added a teaspoon of finely chopped carrots for a change of texture and a chopped green chilli too add a bit if fire.
I let this marinate for about an hour while I went to Carter’s for a walk. It was so hot that it seemed like someone had moved to the Southern hemisphere while I was away. Where is winter?
Came back. Heated the pre-oven for ten minutes. Put the marinated chicken and mushrooms in to roast for 30 minutes at 200 deg Celsius, When I done i let it sit for about 5 minutes in the oven before taking it out.
I ate this with steamed rice.
The chicken was fairly juicy and combined well with the sauces. The mushrooms were cooked just right though. A relief since I had first wondered whether I should put them in for a shorter time. The mushroom tasted a bit sharper as the sauce dominated their flavours.
I used the extra sauce to flavour the rice.
A guilt free meal and no oil was spilt in the making of it.
may not be the right place for this message, but how could i get in touch with you?
wanted to check if you review restaurants for your blog.
Hi Neha, address is k(dot)finelychopped(at)gmail.com
No I don't do reviews at the blog
Hey Kalyan,
Mouthwatering!! do u think this would work in the micro??
I just got back from Shanghai/Beijing…OMG…what a treat it was for the tastebuds!!!
Hey TD,
I would love to go to China someday … the mother lode for me
Well honestly my experience with trying these sort of dishes have been better in the OTG than in the micro but we didn't have a micro with convection. The grill function in a micro is OK but doesnt give the sort of texture or finish that the OTG does. A convection mode might help
Im making this tonight !!! im planning to use some lemongrass and galangal instead ! lets c..