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Cheese chilli eggs

Madhushree Basu Roy of Pikturenama saw the picture of our breakfast on Instagram today and remarked that she liked the many variations that we do to eggs for breakfast.
It never struck me that way but yes, that is the truth. Here’s the story of today’s:

‘This is one of my favourite breakfasts now’, said K.

Cheese chilli eggs inspired by our favourite order at Sanjana Patel’s La Folie Cafe, Bandra. Everything separate, the way K loves it.

With aglio olio dip from Aditi Limaye Kamat’s Kitchen Stories. Ragi bread from Aditi Handa’s Baker’s Dozen.
Sounds like a #foodocracyforher breakfast with the names of so many talented women chef entrepreneurs evoked?

The green chutney came with the Ghosht Story kebabs. The Parmesan with the ITC Grand Central DIY ravioli kit.
I belong to the 90s tomato, oregano and chilli flakes sachet generation and do not let any restaurant condiment go waste.

One egg came out prim and proper like Baby Loaf. The other, like little Nimki, had a mind of its own!

Meet my new breakfast hashtag: #poweredbyespresso
For all who miss my #firstcappuccinooftheday

For those who do not know, #foodorcacyforher is my Instagram Live series where I talk to women entrepreneurs in the Indian F&B space to bring you their stories. You can catch them on my IGTV channel.

From the #HouseOfCats today

Soundtrack while I made breakfast in the #FinelyChoppedKitchen today

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