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What I’ve learnt about cooking with button mushrooms, especially during the lockdown when we consumed them often as I was cooking a lot then and found them easy to cook and versatile to use:

  1. Wet wipe to clean, or rinse in water and wipe, but do not soak and leave them in water.
  2. Don’t overcrowd the pan while cooking.
  3. Use minimal oil.
  4. Cook on high heat.
  5. Balsamic vinegar goes well with it for western preparations.
  6. Use sea salt for seasoning and the crunch. Walnuts work well too.

All of this, and a dab of mayo, went into our breakfast sandwich today while I played Aerosmith on Alexa in the #FinelyChoppedKitchen today.

PS: I love using mushrooms in Asian preparations and dash of soya sauce works wonders.

The #KittyKarmakars

Little Nimki today

From the #FinelyChoppedKitchenPlaylist

I don’t want to miss a thing


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