Remember the pasta that I made for dinner last night? Well there’s more to that story!
Well I had kept some of the mushroom, broccoli and boiled corn that I had sautéed in olive oil, garlic, chillies salt and pepper, aside before adding in the spaghetti to the pan.
I’d also put some probiotic low fat curd on a strainer with a bowl below it and kept it overnight to make hung curd.
I made a dip in the morning, after returning from my walk, after blending the veggies into the hung curd with a spoon.
I then called for a wholewheat loaf (Rs 136 with delivery, taxes) from The Village Shop, Bandra, via Swiggy. This bread is denser than the one I’d earlier got from The Baker’s Dozen, more filling and a bit more expensive.
I applied the spread on the bread, crushed a walnut on each slice, added some store bought dukkah (an Egyptian condiment made with nuts and spices) and some of the Spanish extra virgin olive oil which is at home, to make breakfast.
How resourceful am I, said little Jack Horner.
I’ve been asked to trim down a bit for me back etc and eat with moderation for a while. I don’t intend to let that stop me from eating well though!
Eating at home means that I am more in control of what is used in my food and I don’t intend to waste that opportunity!
A friend’s wife, whose name is Anindita, had showed us how to make hung curd years back.