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I like to believe that I have good food karma and tonight was an example of why I say so.

I was stuffed from the steak that I had at dusk. At that stage in a Europe trip where I wanted carbs. And some Asian, not Indian, flavours

We had quite a few good restaurant recommendations from readers who were locals but I was too tired to travel and K was indifferent about dinner. 

So I took her to @cafelateral down the road, where I went to the night before. This time without my ‘journal.’ It was chillier than last night so I suggested we sit inside. K ordered the duck foie. The two elegant slices of which, served with crisp sourdough, made for a lovely start. K insisted that she’d have it with the baguette served on the side. ‘Baguette is something I always associate with foie in France.’

There was no pasta, but K spotted a ‘spicy beef with Thai noodles’ and we went for that. Unlike last night, this time I was asked if I wanted medium or rare and I said medium rare.

The dish turned out to be just what my soul sought. Very tender beef in a Oriental sauce with noodles on the side. It was served hot. Looked almost like a plate of Indian Chinese and offered just the comfort one needed. 

Once done, we crossed the road and headed back to our hotel happy. Journalling? Do it end of the day suggested K. Let’s see. 

I enjoyed it when I was alone. Shouldn’t do it forcefully if I don’t feel the need for it now that I am not. It’s a holiday after all.

What do you think?

#myparislist #parisencore #parisfinelychopped 

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